Monday, January 11, 2010

I Got Ran Over By A Corvette

Yessir, I got ran over on Dec. 2nd, 2009. If you ever get the chance to be ran over, don't. It's five weeks and some change later, and I still cannot perform with a level of normality I consider acceptable. I should ask my doctor for copies of the MRI and xrays, so that I can show whoever reads this just how bad it is (and how cool it looks). In short, I have a torn MCL, while means that the lateral stability of my knee is compromised. I also have a large bone contusion in my Tibia. It is the size a golf ball and extends in three dimensions through the bone. Under mandate, I am not allowed to drive, operate heavy machinery or perform surgery. Not that I need to right? Wrong. I have missed work this entire time, and am losing out on my only source of income. I've got 4 weeks of physical therapy to look forward to though. Once that is doneskies, I am at liberty to drive again. It is a freedom I did not fully appreciate until now. Good night all.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Artifact of Depression: Part 2

Apparently anti-depressants make you depressed. O_o that's what my doctor said. Amitryptiline is a moderate sedative, as well as an anti-depressant and migraine relief. It also can cause an increase in suicidal tendencies. Great. Just what I need when those whom I thought were friends are really backstabbing creatures of hate.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Artifact of Depression: Act I

Being depressed is a lot like being stuck underneath a big rock. You are constantly under a very near physical pressure, as if the world is trying it's best to put you in your grave. The only way out is to give in, or push back. I began my fight with this rock with a strong, strategical assault. Unfortunately, my forces we driven back, much like the Spartans of Thermopylae, and pinned against a wall, where they fought to they death, only to be crushed by this ever increasing weight. So, after fighting to overcome mental and physical exhaustion, I have learned to deal with it. I sleep only two hours a night, and perhaps only 3 nights a week... My eyes are like black holes, my mind a greased slide: i cannot grasp concepts or retain them. My memory also is failing, as I must write things down if i plan to remember them later on.

Only one good thing has come of this inability to rest. I have been practicing much more, and am getting farther along in my lessons that perhaps ever before.

to be continued...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Message

Read it. It has some awesome information in it.

Monday, August 31, 2009

this is my attempt at posting a blog from my email...

Hotmail® is up to 70% faster. Now good news travels really fast. Try it now.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Scale The Summit

So it's now Sunday, a week later than I said i would finish my summation. I am in Wind Ensemble, miraculously. Galen Lemmon is a phenomenal percussionist, and I really think of him as a friend, as well as a teacher. Dr. Edward Harris is starting to get on my nerves though... all he thinks about is his wind ensemble, like it's the most important thing in the world. O_o Sometimes I wonder if I am in the right place for what I want to do...

My choice comes down to money, ultimately. If the Budget Crisis gets worse (which we all know it will) I might as well transfer down to MI, because at least I can justify wanting to be a performing drum set player. Anyone reading who is now thinking.... "wait, I thought he loved orchestral percussion..." well I do. I love it to death. I cannot get enough of it, but the truth is the SJSU music department is a mess. No one communicates; students are left to fend for themselves in what can only be called the hardest and most confusing major in the world. SJSU treats musicians like something to be stuffed in a dark corner of a darker closet. MI is all about putting music at the fore front of education.

For a change of pace, I have spent all of today reading various Wiki-articles. I started with "Lupus" and gradually because side-tracked, and ended up on "England." From there I read "Dodo," "Ostrich," "Black Death," "Elephant Bird" "Albertasaurus," Gigantoraptor," "Platypus," and about 15 more sub articles that are related to the afore mentioned. I have also found a steal on craiglist. A Rockstar DX drum set for $80.00! You can't find a deal like that.

More later....

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Human Abstract, Star wars in the Park, and Wind Ensemble

All this week I have been obsessed with the band "the Human Abstract." They are an amazing band, and I want to make music similar to theirs, and Dream Theater's. Attached to this blog is another picture of my drum set (courtesy of LWG photography and Ryan Mannie). I spent a week refinishing it and making it look way more expensive than it really is. The shells are made of Poplar, which is basically like the paper plate of drummer-ry. You see where I am going? Anywho, much to my surprise, The drums not only look beautiful, they also sound somewhat better than before the change. Perhaps it was my extra time taken while tuning the drums, but I'd like to think its the lack of a vinyl wrap that makes it so much better. But I digress...

Tonight I went to see The Symphony Silicon Valley performing Works from the great John Williams, spanning several movies, including Jaws, Schindler's List, and Star Wars. I absolutely love the star wars music. Not just from one movie or another, but all six. Each one has it's own them that is some how tied into the movie before, or them movie after, episodes IV and VI being the exception, because Star Wars did not Exist before A New Hope, and it ends with Return of the Jedi. My favorite of them all however is the score to Episode III, because it ties all of the other Episodes together. PLus the percussion arrangements are so cool to listen to.

This semester I didn't audition for Wind Ensemble, which will ultimately bite me in the ass I think.

Will finish tomorrow or monday....